Welcome to your Student Portal!

Scroll down for resources and announcements.

Studio News and Current Announcements


Fall Term 2024 will begin on Monday, August 19.

We hope everyone had a wonderful summer and are ready to continue your piano studies. We are looking forward to seeing our returning and new students. Make sure we have your current contact information in case anything has changed.  See the instructions below to join REMIND for announcements and register on our interactive silvamusicgroup.com website.

Registration is open for Fall 2024!

Review and download the Studio Policy, the Fall 2024 Calendar, Tuition and Registration Forms. Follow the instructions on the Registration Form.

Register Here for 2024-2025

Communicate directly with your teacher:

After your lesson scheduling is confirmed, you will text, call and email your instructor directly for scheduling questions and other administrative matters.

  • Dr. Francisco Silva, 470-301-4839
  • Mireille Silva, 770-265-2619 
  • Lingyi Guo, 402-541-9083 
  • Mariya Tsvetkova, 678-559-8103
  •  Please Note: Dr. and Mrs. Silva will keep track of calls and admin on the studio phone, mainly for business, banking and new student inquiries, 770-565-7177

remind app logo R

Stay in the loop:

Sign up to receive short text announcements from Silva Music!

You need this for important, short text announcements from our studios. (You DON”T need to join Remind, just the class notifications.)

You  sign up by sending a text:

directions for adding class on Remind App

Join NOW!  Silva Music Students, Members-Only Social / Learning Website, silvamusicgroup.com

Our new, interactive website has been in the development stage for 2 years and now we are up and running with our students and teachers. You may register as a student and parents may register as themselves. This site is designed just for our studios and  members only, therefore safe from the public eye. Watch instructional videos, share media, general news feeds, forums, courses and more within our community. We will post in-house announcements, documents and answer any questions so that everyone can be informed. This is the place where you can ask questions about your repertoire, practice assignments, exercises and get answers from the instructors in between lessons and during breaks. We are building the Book 1 and Book 2 courses and beyond in the LMS possibilities of this platform. This is still a work in progress!

 Technical note: your confirmation code might be sent to your junk mail when you Create an Account, so please check. We look forward to seeing you on our private platform! Click on the image below to reach the “Sign in/ Create an Account” page. If you have any problems signing up, please contact Mrs. Silva. 

image of login page for silvamusicgroup.com

Admin and Resources

Current Docs, Calendars, Links, Audio Tracks and more!
desk with computer, glasses

Studio Policy

Must read! Lesson procedures, missed lessons and more.

Calendar icon

Calendar Fall Term 2024

Fall Term 2024 begins August 19.

calendar clip art

Calendar Spring Term 2025

Spring Term begins January 13.

birds eye view of lake shore

Registration Form for Fall 2024-25

Fall Term 2024 begins Aug 19.

Catamaran Racing Beach

Calendar Summer Term 2025

Summer lessons begin May 12.

Piano Resources

Piano Tuner/Technicians
Cary Thrift
Craig Miller
Greg Chryssopoulos: 404-271-8745
Buying a Piano Guide
Piano Buyer

Ear Training Example

Ariel sings “My Bonnie” at his 3rd grade class concert. The opening interval is a great example of the interval of a 6th for ear training!


Student Resources

Technique and Practice Guide

Understanding basics of piano technique: All students, please see this!

Practice Guide presentation

photo of grand piano

Learning and Memory at the Piano: Click to open Powerpoint

inverted black and white piano keys

Book 1 Audio Tracks: The Secret to Your Success!

Click to Download

 Students:  Listen and sing along until the piece/pieces you are working on are MEMORIZED BY SINGING ONLY!  Use your music to follow along at first until it “sticks”. If you sing enough times, the process will start to get even easier.

  Book 1 Audio Tracks (Streaming)

Students:  Listen and sing along with each track until the piece/pieces you are working on are memorized (by singing only). Use your music to follow along at first!

Hot Cross Buns, singing

Hot Cross Buns, bridges

Hot Cross Buns, rocking bridges

Mary, singing

Mary, chords

German Folk Song, singing

German Folk Song, chords

German Folk Song, alberti bass

London Bridge, singing

London Bridge, chords

London Bridge, alberti bass

Twinkles, singing

Twinkles, chords

Twinkles, alberti bass

This Old Man, chords

This Old Man, alberti bass

Go Tell Aunt Rhody, singing

Go Tell Aunt Rhody, chords

Go Tell Aunt Rhody, alberti bass

Are You Sleeping

Running Brook, singing

Running Brook


French Folk Song, singing

French Folk Song

Spanish Folk Song, siniging

Spanish Folk Song

Czerny Etude

Staccato Etude, singing

Staccato Etude

Happy Birthday, singing

Happy Birthday, chords

Happy Birthday

Brazilian Folk Song

Bulgarian Folk Song

Saint Louis Blues

I’ve Been Working on the Railroad

Were You There

Spring Term 2024 April Announcements

Spring Term 2024 April Announcements

April 2024 Announcements: It's hard to believe we are coming close to the end of Spring Term 2024! Students, you have been doing awesome work and show wonderful progress. We look forward to seeing and hearing each of you peform your recital pieces in May and also in...

Spring Term 2024 Begins Jan 15

Spring Term 2024 Begins Jan 15

January 2024 Announcements: Happy New Year! We are looking forward to seeing our students for Spring Term lessons starting January 15th. We hope you all had a great winter break and are ready for a productive year of learning new music. December recitals were a...

End of Year 2023 Announcements

End of Year 2023 Announcements

December Activities: We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break! Please note in the calendar in your folders and on the websites, we are still on break this week. Lessons resume next Monday, December 5. The last day of Fall Term lessons is December 15,...

Fall Term ’23 Registration Begins!

Fall Term ’23 Registration Begins!

Fall Term '23 Registration Begins Fall Term Lessons Start Monday, August 21st Fall 2023 Registration is open! We will try to keep your teacher the same as last year. Choose your top 3 days and try to give us a time frame for each day. Click on the Registration Form...

Justin Han Performs all Mozart Program this Saturday!

Justin Han Performs all Mozart Program this Saturday!

Concert this Saturday, June 17th! Check the link below for more information. We are very excited to announce that Mr. Justin Han, one of our wonderful teachers is going to play and conduct a Mozart program this Saturday. Let’s come out and support him! This is great...

Recital this Tuesday evening at Silva Music Studios!

Recital this Tuesday evening at Silva Music Studios!

Concert this Tuesday, May 9 at 7:30 pm Reserve your seats, limited space! We are very excited to host pianist David Syme, international cultural and brand representative for Pearl River, Ritmuller and Kayserburg Pianos. This private recital will be held at Silva Music...

Action-packed Spring Term coming up!

Action-packed Spring Term coming up!

 Spring Term Resumes Today We hope everyone had a great Spring Break. Regular lessons resume Monday, April 17. There are 4 weeks of lessons until the end of the term and the extras are action packed. Next Sunday, April 23rd, at the Hawkins Store Road Studio location,...

Week 2, Spring Break Continues Monday, April 10

Week 2, Spring Break Continues Monday, April 10

Spring Break is 2 Weeks! We hope everyone had a great first week of Spring Break. Please remember that we have one more week of break. Some of this time will be dedicated towards make up lessons by appointment only. Regular lessons resume Monday, April 17. Students...

November-December Announcements

November-December Announcements

Coming up: Master Classes, Pianothon, December Recitals Master Classes for all students will be held at Silva Music Studios next Sunday, November 13 at 10:30 AM for Book 1 level students and 1:30 PM for Book 2 and advanced students. Location: Blackwell Road studios....